There is so far two ways to download elementR:

Before installation

  1. Check the version of R installed on your computer (sessionInfo()), must be ≥ 3.2.3, see to update your version.

  2. For Mac users only: elementR package needs XQuartz. Please check, that XQuartz is installed and runs properly on your computer. If not, please visit


The easiest way to get elementR is to install it from CRAN:

install.packages("elementR", dependencies = T)

Alternatively, you can install the development version (not yet pushed on cran) from GitHub :

#Install elementR's dependencies
pkgs <- c("gdata", "shiny","devtools", "shinyjs", "gnumeric", "R6", "shinydashboard",
    "abind", "stringr", "lmtest", "tcltk", "tcltk2", "reader", "readODS", "readxl", "outliers", "climtrends",
    "EnvStats", "colourpicker", "zoo", "httpuv")

invisible(lapply(pkgs, function(pkgs){
        install.packages(pkgs, dependencies=TRUE)

#Install elementR
devtools::install_github("charlottesirot/elementR", ref = "master", force = T, dependencies = T)


Notes on installation

For Mac users: during installation elementR will ask to install “XCode/otool”. Accept this installation.

If the installation is stuck at the installation of the tcltk package, this probably means that XQuartz does not run properly. Check its validity.

For Linux users: you could need to install additional libraries:

sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install libcurl4-openssl-dev
sudo apt-get install libssl-dev
sudo apt-get install libxml2-dev
sudo apt-get install libssh2-1-dev

the elementR GUI runs on any web browser. However, as the graphic of the user interface has been developed based on Firefox, authors highly recommend to run elementR under Firefox.


To launch elementR, run the following command in your R console:
